Sunday, September 23, 2007

New on this Blog: Harlem Jewish Life feature (a list of links to the left)

Being very busy with the chaggim (Jewish holidays) lately, I have not had a chance to go out and make good on my promise to add updated posts including photos, etc. However, in the spirit of the season, I have added a new page element to this blog, featuring elements of what I am calling "Harlem Jewish Life". I am including in my list anything I know about which is colorably Jewish and is in or very close to Harlem; I have ruled things out only based on my sense that they are not close enough to Harlem to be included. (On my geographic standard: I figure there are plenty of places other than this blog that deal extensively with Upper West Side Jewish life, so I have set a pretty strict Harlem-oriented standard -- either actually within Harlem, or within very few blocks of Harlem -- which unfortunately rules out certain wonderfully parent/kid/family-oriented congregations that are not very far at all. Basically if a place outside of Harlem feels to me like a shlep to go with my kids, I've ruled them out.) If you know of anything I've missed that I should have included, please let me know.

Shanah tovah/Happy new year, everyone!

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